Student of the Semester: Amara DeFrank

By Antonio Nye 

Creative, motivated, and a leader are all words used to describe junior Amara DeFrank by her peers and teachers. Each semester, a student is selected by his or her teachers based on their attitude and performance in the classroom, and this semester, Amara’s positive attitude and driven demeanor earned her the title. 

Amara believes that her determination has been her best asset in the classroom. ”This helped me become a successful student because it’s easy to get discouraged when you’re in as many things as I am.” Amara prevails in three different school sports: basketball, volleyball, and outside of school, travel AAU basketball. Amara manages this schedule while taking multiple honors courses, and she knows that if she didn’t have the drive and motivation that she did not, she would be afraid of getting discouraged and slipping up. 

Amara’s teachers can say the same about her. AP Biology teacher Katie Sherry recognized,” Amara has worked very hard this year to be successful in AP Bio. She is always involved in class discussions and takes the initiative to ask for help when needed.”

Mr. Dess feels the same way. “Amara is a fantastic student who tries her very best at all times, he explains.  “She is very dedicated and is willing to give up her mornings and afternoons to make sure she can grasp the material.  I am very lucky to have a student like her in class.”

To Amara, a good teacher is someone who not only teaches their lessons but makes each and every lesson unforgettable. ”There have been classes where I’ve learned and forgotten the information later on because their lessons didn’t stick with me. However, whenever a teacher adds [their own personal touch] to their lessons, it makes it easier to not only learn but not to forget.”

Along with sports and honors classes, she is also involved in the SADD club, Youth for Christ, Student Council, and National Honor Society. 

Spanish Teacher Mr. Mularski points out Amara’s work ethic. “Amara has a great attitude towards her work. She is always willing to put in the extra effort and time to get good grades.”

It was a pleasure having Amara in class,” adds Mr. McQuiston.  “She always got involved in the class discussions and did an outstanding job on her assignments and her tests. Amara was always willing to help her classmates when needed.  She brought an enthusiastic attitude with her to class every day.   I was not surprised to see her get student of the semester; it was well deserved.”

Amara’s favorite class this year has been Graphic Journalism with Ms. Allen. She added,” It has been my favorite class because it has allowed me to express my creative ideas. This class also always has a welcoming and fun atmosphere where I can have fun with my friends.”
The feeling is mutual, according to Mrs. Allen. “Amara is an asset to the yearbook staff.  I remember her creativity being what stood out to me when I had her as a freshman in Honors English, and it is still one of her best attributes.  Amara has wowed me as well as her classmates all year long! She is a student who brings her best to every task.” 

What motivates Amara every day is the future that is ahead of her. She wants to go to college and “become rich” so she can support her family. She notes that not everyone can do that, so she makes sure that she works harder every day to achieve this goal.  

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