Student of the Semester: Alivia Myer

By Ella Wittmann

Student of the Semester: a renowned title that honors students for their work ethic and dedication to their studies. Obtaining this title, however, is no easy feat. Requiring both academic excellence and exceptional character, a specific student from the seventh-grade class meets these criteria. Teachers and staff agree that this individual has made her mark this semester. Meet one of our 7th Grade Students of the Semester, Alivia Myer!

Alivia is extremely motivated.“I have a lifelong goal to get all A’s throughout elementary and high school, which motivates me to study and work hard.”

Alivia’s drive to excel in school has been recognized by her teachers as well. Mrs. Butchy, the 7th English teacher, has specifically taken notice of this quality of hers. “Alivia is a force to be reckoned with when it comes to the quest for perfection. You may not know it to talk with her, but don’t let that quiet demeanor fool you; she is competitive!” Mrs. Butchy notes. “Also, if you want advice on time management, have a chat with her. With an incredibly demanding dance schedule outside of school (3+ hours daily), she never lets her academics slip. She is indeed a role model for her classmates.”

As expressed by Mrs. Butchy, Alivia is able to maintain high grades while participating in several extracurricular activities. “I dance at New Castle Regional Ballet (NCRB). I do tap, jazz, ballet, and contemporary. I am also a member of Junior High Danceline. I play the flute in Junior High band, and am a part of Junior High choir [as well].”

Her parents have proved particularly supportive of her endeavors and Alivia can consistently count on their support. “My role models are my parents because they have shown and taught me about faith, the importance of education, perseverance, and integrity. I want to be like them.” 

Throughout all of her classes thus far, there is a class in particular that is the most enjoyable for Alivia. “This year, my favorite class has been Math. I like that in math, there is one answer. Your answer is either right or it’s wrong. When studying math, nothing is subjective or partially correct.”

Along with Mrs. Butchy, her math teacher, Mrs. Delaney, also notes her incredible meticulousness in the classroom. “Alivia is a great role model to her classmates. She is kind, has an amazing work ethic, participates in class, and always strives to achieve her best. She is very deserving of this honor.”

Enrichment teacher Mrs. Scott notes that “Alivia is a fantastic student due to her clear aptitude and her curious approach to all things new!  This year she has tackled Academic Games and Forensics (public speaking) with growing skill, winning awards for her speaking.  She considers things carefully and becomes very determined to do her best in all things.  She is also very kind and helpful to teachers and peers.”

Alivia targets her time management skills as the backbone of her success. “Being efficient is my strongest trait as a successful student,” she explains. “Having after-school activities every night has motivated me to use every extra second in class to get all of my work completed.”



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