Top 10: Levi Stuck

By Ashlynn Peters and Ella Wittmann

Levi Stuck– you may recognize him from the football field or track meets, but his high school accolades expand far past athletics. Levi is being recognized for his position in the Top Ten of Shenango’s graduating Class of 2024. 

Being a part of the Top Ten in a graduating class is no easy feat. There are many struggles that students experience while building their academic success. Levi was most challenged by AP Calculus “because of the amount of memorization and application.”

To be in the Top Ten, students must exceed expectations. This requires not just meeting the standard, but flourishing in fast-paced classes.  To persevere through these difficult classes, Levi needed a source of motivation. A factor that helped drive him into working hard was “trying to maintain a high honor roll.”

Levi’s academic accomplishments have been influenced by his biggest supporter, his dad. “He always pushed me to study and helped me with my school work.” As he prepares to graduate, Levi’s gratitude for his parents’ influence is at the forefront: I would thank both of my parents equally because that have always looked out for my well being and ensured that I was set up for success.” 

The most important advice Levi would give to underclassmen is to “put yourself out there.” He explains that “having connections will make life easier because there will be people to experience life with you.” 

This fall, Levi plans to attend Duquesne University to obtain a doctorate in physical therapy. 

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