Student of the Semester: Sylvia Perrone

By Thomas Demko

One of the most prestigious honors a student can earn during the academic school year is Student of the Semester. This takes hours of effort inside and outside of the classroom. For her final semester of high school, Sylvia Perrone has earned this title. 

Sylvia has been a choir and band member for her entire high school career. She is part of a marching band, pep band, brass ensemble, jazz band, rock band, concert band, concert choir, treble choir, and mixed chamber choir. She has proven her skills to both Mr. Butchy and Mrs Leali for many years. Sylvia excels in sight reading, rhythm, and gracefully harmonizing with her other choir and bandmates. She is a role model and an inspiration to underclassmen musicians. 

Sylvia identifies her strongest trait as her drive to succeed. This energy is prevalent when looking at her musical career and her tenacity is admired by teachers and students alike. Mrs. Leali refers to her as a “force to be reckoned with,” noting that Sylvia is “fiercely talented”.

Sylvia’s biggest inspiration is the 2023 graduate Riley Bruce. “I admire her genuine interest and passion in everything she does. She truly engaged in each class.” Sylvia has tried to channel this attitude in her high school career as well. These efforts have not gone unnoticed. Sylvia excels in the sciences and has proven her grasp of abstract concepts and difficult memorization through the honors AP science courses. Mrs Sherry is impressed with Sylvia’s eagerness to learn and desire to exceed the expectations of assignments. “She is tremendously prepared for every test, it is a pleasure to have her in class, and I think she will excel tremendously in her college studies next year.” 

Though Sylvia is strong in all subjects, her heart lies with English. “My favorite class is Advanced Literature and Research. I enjoyed the discussion aspect of the class and the way we managed to connect themes and lessons from literature to everyday life.” Though she may come off as quiet, Sylvia comes to life during discussions, thriving while engaged in arguments over the intrigues of literature.  Mr. Mayo certainly appreciates Sylvia’s vigor.  “I love having Sylvia in class,” he said. ” She is very thoughtful when having discussions and makes some very insightful comments. Her presence improves the overall culture of the class immensely.”

Sylvia’s future plans are to attend Slippery Rock University’s pre-pharmacy program and then continue her studies at Duquesne. “ I am motivated by my vision for a better future,” she said.  “I want to make a good living doing something that leaves a positive impact on people. This would not be possible without education.”

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