Student of the Semester: Mackenzie Sheridan

By Makenna Emerick

Mackenzie Sheridan is a senior who for her hard work, received Student of the Semester for the last half of the year. Mackenzie excels in all of her classes and brings a bright and positive attitude into the classroom. Mackenzie is involved in several activities such as Art Club, Pep Band, Marching Band, and Yearbook. 

Pushing Mackenzie to be her best, her friends are her biggest motivations. “My friends motivate me to study and work hard,” stated Mackenzie, “They encourage me to do my best despite the circumstances.” 

Not only can Mackenzie count on the encouragement of her friends, but she also leans on her dad, who is her role model.  Mackenzie’s father was driven and positive just like she is. “He worked hard and achieved great things,” Mackenzie explained. “He was very successful and I hope to be as successful someday.”

Mackenzie believes that compassion is what makes a good teacher. “Anyone can read off of slides and read out of books, but it takes a special individual to understand when someone isn’t comprehending something and more specifically, what they aren’t understanding.” Mackenzie finds that teachers who are understanding and listen to their students have a more effective classroom. 

“Mackenzie is a diligent student who consistently examines literature in a mature, critical perspective,” stated Mrs. Catanese.  Mrs. Catanese is Mackenzie’s AP Literature teacher, who also said, “I am always eager to hear her thoughts and insights.” 

Mr. Drozynski, AP Computer Science teacher, described Mackenzie as “a bouquet of willingness, analytics, and execution.”  Mrs. Allen loves this metaphor as well.  “Having Mackenzie her freshman year in English and now as a senior in Yearbook has been a delight.  She is so creative and thoughtful.”

Mrs. Allen also noted that Mackenzie’s senior project was pheonomenal.  “I was blown away by the care and thought Mackenize invested in her senior project,” she explained.  “Mackenzie is graduating fully equipped to embrace her talents, channel her creativity, and give back to her community. She embodies what ‘learning for a lifetime’ looks like.”

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