Student of the Semester: Trey Ross

By Janialin Streit 

Sophomore scholar Trey Ross has been given the title of one of the students of the second semester. Through his many accolades, he has proven focused, talented, and a positive leader. Arguably his most important trait would be the numerous and diverse activities in which he partakes. Whether on the court, field, or stage, Trey is stellar in everything he participates in.

According to Choir Director Mrs. Leali, “He consistently rises to the challenges that I present him with”. A great challenge he was faced with from her this year was being cast as the lead role, Adam Pontipee, for this year’s musical Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. 

Trey is an athlete on the baseball, basketball, track, and football teams. His musical talents make him an active member of the concert choir, concert band, and chamber choir. He is a member of NHS, Student Council, Peer Leadership, and was recently voted president of the Class of 2026.

Mr. Vencenie has noticed Trey’s ability to handle extracurriculars and a rigorous course load. “Trey’s commitment to school alongside football, basketball, track and field, and his various other musical endeavors is very impressive. He asks high-level questions, and helps drive positive conversation within the classroom.” 

English teacher Ms Guy adds “Trey has juggled sports, extracurricular activities, and academics with ease. He has a great understanding of the classwork and is always thoughtful and respectful to his classmates and teachers! Trey is a great asset to his school community.”

Trey feels that his strongest trait as a student is “understanding subjects quickly.” He prides himself on giving his “full attention during class” and strives to be able to understand everything he is learning. His ideal teacher would be someone who will “be very upfront with students and not only get personal with them, but also be patient with plenty of examples to help.” Spanish teacher, Mr. Mularski, believes that “his work ethic shows in his GPA.”

Trey motivates himself to study and work hard by striving to understand “as much information as possible in life.”

His role model is his older brother. This is because “he is a very intelligent person who can still remember everything he learned from 9th grade through every year of college.” With people like this to look up to, it is no surprise that Trey has become exceptional.


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