Homecoming 2023: Adison Kays

by Avery Calvert, Ashlynn Peters, and Janialin Streit

The Class of 2024 has voted on their homecoming court. Senior Adison Kays, who is “caring, athletic, and relaxed,”  will be seen on the field with her fellow court members at this year’s homecoming game.

Being part of a 45-person grade is the best part of Shenango, according to Adison. “It’s so small that you feel like you can talk to your teachers about anything.”  

With that being said, Addy believes that some advice worth sharing with the underclassmen would be to not talk about everything, even to your friends. “It’ll be spread around,” she stresses. 

When it comes to advice, Addy also has some for her younger self. “It does get better. Whenever you’re younger and you go through a hard time, now that I’m older, I can see that it gets better.”

In times of darkness, Addy looks to her mother for light. “She’s always been there for me. She always knows what to say.”

Not only has her mother been her primary support in life, but she’s also her number one fan in sports.  Adison adores the fun times of high school, especially as a three-sport athlete who plays volleyball, basketball, and track.  “I will never forget playing JV as a Freshman,” Addy expressed. “It was so much fun and we were all so happy to be playing.”  

Addy’s favorite is “track because I’ve been doing it for so long. And it’s a great atmosphere. Even though I almost throw up every Tuesday, because it’s a hard day, I still love it and want to go every day.”

Looking back at her younger years, Addy expressed her love for One Direction, especially Harry Styles, since she was 10 years old. She has even seen Harry Styles in concert and he will always be her “number one”.

One standout attribute of Harry Styles is his flashy wardrobe. Addy took style into consideration when choosing who would take the field with her. “My escort is Brody McQuiston. I picked him because I figured he would be the one to buy pink sparkly shoes.” 

Where Addy admires Brody’s fashion sense, he sees her athletic talent and Wildcat pride as some of her strongest attributes. “She is an outstanding athlete and has a lot of school spirit. She is also always willing to help someone in need.”


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